Create agile action plans, manage projects, activities and tasks aligned with strategic goals, make everyday work visible
A clear and shared understanding of who does what, why and when
- Create agile action plans and project portfolios linked to strategic goals and priorities
- Manage both the standing activities and projects with Kanban boards and Gantt charts
- Organize activities and projects to quickly find the information you need
- Allocate responsibilities and resources
- Make work and progress towards goals visible
- Highlight urgent issues for decision support and increased productivity
- Report status and monitor performance in real time
- Collect and share all documents in one place
- Simplify collaboration and communication both within and across organizational entities
With seamlessly integrated activity planning, project management and resource planning features, Cleerit keeps you on track and makes sure you reach your goals – quickly and without unpleasant surprises.
Cleerit helps you make it happen – quickly and efficiently!
More about action plans, project management, Kanban-boards
“A goal without a plan is just a wish!”
Strategy execution can only be successful when there is a clear and shared understanding of what needs to be done, who does what, why, when at what cost. In other words, effective strategy execution requires that the necessary actions that turn the strategy into reality be identified, planned, executed, monitored and adjusted when needed.
Not only should the necessary actions be identified and planned, but the responsibility for these actions should be allocated as well. Only by allocating clear responsibilities for execution, can activities and progress be measured and controlled.
With Cleerit’s activity planning and project management features, you always know who is doing what, when and why, making sure everyone is on track.
Productivity is about systems, not about people
In complex organizations work is defined by interdependencies among people — and it’s often these interdependencies that have the greatest effect on personal productivity. (Daniel Markovitz in Harvard Business Review, 5 January 2021)
As the statistician and management consultant W. Edwards Deming argued in his book Out of the Crisis, 94% of most problems and possibilities for improvement belong to the system, not the individual. Most productivity improvements belong there as well. The reason being that it is the system that provides the conditions for people’s actions and thereby the basis for improvement.
To add to the complexity, most of the work in an office environment is invisible — it’s buried in people’s computers or their heads. As a result, it’s difficult to know what people are working on or whether they’re overloaded and unable to take on more tasks.
Markovitz points out that the solution lies in using activity boards (kanban boards), where activities and tasks are made visible with cards, specifying who is handling it (and its status), which enables a more equitable distribution of work. It also eliminates both countless status check emails and the need to cover that topic in meetings. With activity boards work gets done faster and with dramatically less effort.
To make work with activities and tasks more efficient, faster and easier, both from a management perspective and in the everyday life of the team members, the kanban method is integrated in Cleerit.
Activity boards also mean that you don’t have to communicate by e-mail, in meetings and check countless digital messaging platforms to monitor status and deal with problems and bottlenecks. With Cleerit, you get a common communication channel to ensure that nothing slips through the cracks, making sure that problems or urgent questions are quickly notified, which is important for productivity.
With Cleerit, activity planning and project management is easy and well organized
Responsibilities for activities, projects and tasks can easily be distributed across units, individuals and over time, so that everyone knows exactly who is responsible for what, and how their daily actions relate to the overall strategy, while increasing productivity.
Continuous status updates help you handle deviations and performance gaps, learn and make the necessary adjustments to achieve the set goals.
Your meetings and personal interactions also become more productive as you can focus on improvement and learning rather than just exchanging information and trying to understand numbers, which ultimately leads to both increased goal reaching and performance.
Cleerit not only helps you reach your goals easier and quicker, but also at a lower cost by reducing time spent, inefficiencies and project overruns.
Read more
Read more about how budgeting and resource planning can help you turn your strategies into reality.