Marketing plan management

Marketing plans that turn strategies into reality and deliver outstanding customer experience

Do you manage your marketing plans, campaigns, projects, go-to-market, schedules and budgets with Excel, PowerPoint, meetings and a lot of e-mails? Are you looking to adopt digital and inclusive technology to unleash the impact of your marketing plans and deliver customer experiences that match your brand promise? Cleerit is the solution for you!

With Cleerit, you digitize your marketing plans, and include everyday activity and campaign planning, budget processes and performance management, aligned to your strategic goals. You get:

  • Real-time overview of your organization’s priorities, teams, plans, resources, activities, target groups and performance in a flexible inclusive solution adapted to your specific needs
  • Clear connection of marketing goals and activities to the organization’s strategic priorities – and the decision support you need to maximize marketing performance and contribution
  • Best practice marketing management models adapted to your organization’s specific situation and needs – connecting your marketing goals to everyday work
  • Define and distribute marketing goals
  • Manage marketing projects, activities and go-to-market
  • Manage campaigns and communication material
  • Create and monitor your marketing budget
  • Measure and analyse marketing performance with flexible reports and KPIs
  • Improve collaboration and knowledge sharing
  • Simplify reporting and ensure access to key information in real-time

Welcome to contact us to learn more about how Cleerit can maximize the impact of your marketing plan.

Clear overview in real-time on marketing plans, goals, activities and KPIs
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Clear governance models where people, activities and resources focus on strategic marketing goals and priorities
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Gantt charts for an at-a-glance timeline overview of your projects, activities and tasks
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Kanban cards and activity boards help you allocate responsibilities, monitor status and progress towards marketing goals
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Tailormade planning views adjusted to your needs
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Flexible marketing plans and reports for a clear overview in real-time, on and offline

More about marketing planning with Cleerit

The marketing plan is an important part of the business plan

The marketing plan defines how the company will present itself to the market, i.e. how to attract more customers and retain existing ones, both in the short and long term. It specifically describes all the steps to sell a product or service.

It is an important tool that helps you convey the right message to the right people, and turn leads into customers to create growth. But it is also about retaining existing customers. Research shows that it is 5 times more expensive for a company to convince a new customer than to convince an existing customer to buy again.

A marketing plan can be short or long and extend over the next year or longer. Designing a marketing plan is also useful in itself as it often generates new thoughts, ideas and initiatives that can take the company forward.

The marketing plan always takes its starting point in the marketing strategy, which is a targeted effort to convey a brand’s message, product or service to a specific audience. Renowned marketing guru Philip Kotler defined the marketing strategy as the way in which the marketing function organizes its activities to achieve profitable sales growth at a market mix level.

With Cleerit, you can easily create a clear marketing plan that will help you reach your goals. A clear and well thought out marketing plan that helps you define and distribute your goals, prioritize, allocate resources and responsibilities, design and coordinate activities and campaigns. And last but not least, measure results, efficiency and goal fulfilment.

Focus on the right message for the right people at the right time.

Russell Glass

Clear overview and reliable decision support with a digital inclusive solution for market planning and control

With Cleerit, the central marketing department can easily manage marketing plans and activities in close collaboration with regional and local marketing managers, for streamlined and inclusive marketing processes throughout the entire organization.

Marketing managers get a clear overview of all marketing activities and teams across the organization. You can zoom in from the big picture to focus on in-depth details, which helps you to quickly navigate through large amounts of information and prioritize as you lead your team towards your marketing goals.

From marketing strategy and goals to marketing plans with resource and budget planning

You can easily create your goal focused marketing plan in Cleerit and get a visual plan that shows how strategic areas, such as brand, media and target groups, are logically linked to goals and activities. Monitoring status, progress and goal fulfilment is only one click away.

A prerequisite for turning marketing strategies into reality is to allocate the resources where they contribute the most. Therefore, activity-based budgeting and resource planning are important features in Cleerit. You can easily plan and monitor your budget with a clear connection to your marketing activities and projects, which helps you to stay agile. With Cleerit you can also automate salary and overhead cost budgets.

You avoid manual time-consuming planning templates and can automate your planning processes for optimized resource allocation, increased reliability and performance.

Manage the daily work towards common goals and make sure everyone knows what to do and why

Cleerit helps you get a clear overview of your marketing campaigns and activities with the help of goal maps, activity boards, Gantt schedules and status reports. You make sure everyone knows what to do, why, when and at what cost.

Cleerit is your digital platform for collaboration where the daily efforts and contributions of the marketing teams and are aligned to the organization’s strategic goals and messages.

Make marketing contributions and success visible with reports and KPIs for analysis and learning

With reports and metrics, and continuous monitoring of status and progress, you have real-time access to evidence-based data for analysis and informed decisions. This allows you to be agile and re-prioritize when needed. You can define KPIs and measures, set target values ​​and compare outcomes for your marketing campaigns and activities.

When essential information such as market initiatives, geographic markets, target groups, resource allocation, progress and performance, are gathered in one solution, you can produce your own tailor-made reports. No need to wait for other BI-tools to provide the insights you need.

You can generate comprehensive reports in real-time, to share insights and show the contribution of the marketing department to the different business areas in the organisation.

Cleerit helps you take a clear ownership of marketing strategies, work more proactively, and continuously learn and improve with evidence-based decision support.

The marketing team can focus on the future, adjust plans and become a learning team that takes new steps towards higher market goals.

Read on to know more about the features Cleerit offers to succeed with your marketing plans: