Sustainability is at the core of our corporate strategy
Cleerit is an innovative scale-up with more than 20 years of experience in supporting businesses and organisations in both the private and public sector.
Seamlessly connecting strategy, execution, ESG and performance management, Cleerit provides your team with the clarity needed to drive everyday performance and turn your strategies into reality – while contributing to a more sustainable future.
The Cleerit ESG offering is at the core of our corporate strategy. The founders and the top-management are highly committed to advancing sustainability on a personal level.
Download the Cleerit ESG software presentation here >>
Given the perfect fit between the unique capabilities embedded in Cleerit’s holistic and inclusive governance model and the many new regulatory requirements linked to sustainability strategy, governance and reporting, we believe that our solution, expertise and experience can make a real difference in advancing both corporate sustainability and performance.
We are committed to being a sustainable business partner. Cleerit is owned by its founders, passionate about closing the strategy to execution gap and maximizing sustainable corporate performance – with extensive experience and comprehensive research recognized by French Ministry for Higher Education, Research and Innovation.
It’s the beginning of a new era, and we are determined to being a key contributor in advancing sustainable corporate strategies and solutions, for our and future generations.
You can read more about our Sustainability Strategy & Reporting offer at
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Our convictions
Anything is possible. If you know what you want and have a plan for how to get there.
A goal without a plan is just a wish.
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry 1900-1944 – French writer, journalist and pioneering aviator
Tomorrow’s challenges cannot be managed with yesterday’s tools
You can’t reach your future destination by looking in the rear-view mirror. Financial ratios, report subscriptions, spreadsheets and dashboards only give snapshots in time of results already achieved. Strategy execution and performance management is about so much more than that. You also need to connect the dots going forward, plan ahead, monitor every step of the way, factor in unforeseen events, learn, recalculate and adjust as the route and the conditions change. And you do not work alone, but are part of the organization’s eco-system, with both internal and external stakeholders.
Every day counts – or, the importance of small steps
With an inclusive governance model, Cleerit offers you the support you need to divide larger initiatives into manageable activities and work together, sustainably and efficiently, to go where you want to be – one step at a time, every day.
Granted the status Innovation
We are very proud that Cleerit’s inclusive digital governance model has officially been granted the status Innovation (Jeune Entreprise Innovante, JEI) by the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation.

The justification reads:
The operational goals of the project are to identify the reasons why formulated strategies and management models fail in the implementation phase, to explain how strategy implementation should be structured and developed, and finally how to integrate ESG criteria into strategy implementation.
The work is based on a solid review of recent scientific literature. It is not just an aggregation of existing knowledge, but a real development of a new strategy implementation model, which integrates extensive knowledge, as well as many different and varying parts of the scientific literature. …
What distinguishes [Cleerit’s model] is its holistic approach, which takes into account that the parts of the problem [strategy implementation] are interconnected and can only be understood by reference to the whole.
Our vision
A higher goal!
When everyone knows what to do and why they do it, both value and purpose are created. If we work together towards clear goals and use the resources in the right way, both organizations and people can develop and excel. Then we reach more and higher than planned.
Our values
Everything we do is permeated by a desire to constantly do better. We are guided by:
• Commitment
• Goal-focus
• Value and purpose
We are driven by the belief that anything is possible, as long as you know what you want and have a plan to get there. Thanks to knowledge and our own experience, we understand our customers and always adapt the solution to their needs and conditions.
Since everything we do is about creating a faster, clearer and smoother path to planned results, we ourselves value doing the right things in the right way. We work in a structured way and always focus on the customer and the goal to drive the process forward.
Value and purpose
The idea that organisations develop when everyone knows what to do, why they do it and what to achieve, applies not only to our customers, but also to ourselves. Overview and clarity drive results and turn strategies into reality.
You are welcome
We have more than 20 years of experience in supporting businesses and organisations in both the private and public sector. We are located in France, Sweden and Dubai and work remotely with our customers all over the world.