Strategic planning, goal management, OKRs

Make sure everyone knows what to do – when, how and why
- Create flexible plans and inclusive governance models tailored to your organization
- Visualize the organization’s overall strategies, define and distribute goals
- Transform strategies and goals into agile action plans and operational activities
- Allocate responsibilities and resources
- Make work and progress towards goals visible
- Report status and monitor performance and goal reaching in real time
- Manage your plans equally effectively whether you are in the office or working remotely
- Simplify collaboration and communication both within and across organizational entities
With Cleerit your strategies, goals and plans get a dynamic platform to grow, be seen, understood and easily assessed – rather than being locked away in a static presentation or spreadsheet.

Engage all employees and turn your strategies into reality with Cleerit!
More about strategic planning, goal management, OKRs
Digital and inclusive system support helps you succeed with your strategies
Although strategy execution is considered to be by far the most important success factor for an organization, 70% of all well-formulated strategies fail due to shortcomings in the implementation. In other words, there is an important gap between strategy and execution.
Research confirms that 44% of executives at top management levels do not fully understand the key drivers behind value creation nor the risks facing the organization they lead, and 84% of team leaders do not clearly understand the connections between goals, priorities and the operations they lead.
When asked to identify the single greatest challenge, managers specifically point to 3 important shortcomings:
- Strategic goals are poorly understood, seem unrelated to one another and disconnected from the overall strategy.
- It is difficult to communicate strategic goals in a way that creates understanding and the possibility for team members to connect their everyday activities to these goals.
- There is often a lack of structure and routines for assessing goal reaching and progress over time.
An important reason why these difficulties arise is that the critical information needed to manage and monitor strategies and activities is often spread in different types of documents and systems that are not able to provide the necessary overview required to clarify these important connections.
When system support for strategy execution is used, strategic success is up to x3 more likely. (Kaplan & Norton, 2008)
Digitizing your plan, manage and control processes and working with inclusive governance models in Cleerit is therefore an investment with high return potential.
Agility channeled within strategic boundaries is a strength
Agility is critical to successful strategy execution, but it should not be used as an excuse to jump on all opportunities that arise along the way. It is important to have strategic discipline when deciding what to prioritize and which new opportunities to pursue.
Unless managers screen opportunities against strategy, they are more likely to waste time and effort on peripheral initiatives and deprive the most promising ones of the resources they need to reach the strategic goals.
With dynamic and flexible system support that connects your decisions and everyday activities to strategic goals, and enables continuous reassessment, Cleerit makes sure you balance agility with alignement.
Strategy execution, OKRs and goal management becomes easy with Cleerit
With Cleerit, it is easy to transform your strategies into reality. Your plans will be structured in inclusive governance models with clear execution paths tracking the implementation of strategic initiatives, while measuring and monitoring progress over time.
Strategy execution and goal management become easy, accessible and transparent for everyone in the organization, every day. You will increase alignment, agility and employee engagement – and save time and money, which will lead to secured goal reaching and increased performance.
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Read more about how activity planning can help you turn your strategies into reality.